written by
Eric McKee

Descript Levels The Video Content Creation Playing Field

4 min read

Video has become the dominant format in digital marketing. Social media platforms are promoting the use of video over everything else. Small businesses can’t afford to ignore this video content creation trend. Video can be an intimidating format. But, it doesn’t have to be. Descript is the editing tool that has the power to be a small business’s best friend when it comes to creating and editing video content.

What is Descript?

Descript is audio/video editing software that makes editing your content as simple as editing a text document. In fact, that’s literally what it does. When you upload your video into Descript, it will transcribe the audio portion of the file for you. Once the transcript is completed, you can begin editing your video simply by editing the transcript. Descript will sync up the changes you make in the transcript to the video component of the file.

By taking the video editing process and making it as easy as editing a text document, Descript is leveling the playing field for small businesses owners who are bootstrapping their digital marketing. This is game changing stuff for people who have been procrastinating on their content creation.

Let’s take a look at the ways that Descript can remove some of the hurdles of video content creation.

Lights, camera, action

Knowing that you should be creating video content won’t make you any more comfortable in front of a camera. Most people are, to some extent, afraid of performing in front of others. The fear of stumbling and bumbling our way through a recording can keep us from even getting started.

Descript gives you the ability to quickly and easily remove the kinds of errors that you may haunt you and keep you from getting started. Once you realize how easy removing any flubbed lines can be, it will ease the pressure of creating that perfect, one-take version of your content.

If you make a mistake, simply pause, regroup and start from where you messed up. Knowing that you can erase the stammering, edit out your flubbed lines, and even overdub mistakes should put your mind at ease.

Remove “filler words” in a snap

Time is money

The learning curve for Descript is pretty shallow. You can get started with Descript in minutes and have your first edited video done in no time. This is the genius of Descript. They have taken a process that all of us already know, editing a text document, and made it the interface for video editing.

Descript makes editing out botched lines, rambling, or even filler words quick and painless. Simply find the mistake, highlight it, and hit delete. And in the case of filler words (um, like, uh, you know), Descript has a tool that will detect them and remove any or all of them. You can even add captions to your video.

The speed at which you can learn these edits, and execute them, makes Descript a perfect fit for busy small businesses. You’ve already got plenty of work to do, you can’t afford for video editing to take up huge blocks of your time.

No more one and done content

Being able to create a good piece of video content is great. What trips up a lot of people is the thought of having to turn around and do it again and again. Rather than constantly feeding the content creation beast, take the content you’ve already created and give it many uses.

Repurposing content is a life saver for small businesses and Descript makes repurposing content easy.

Finding and creating snippets of your longer content is a breeze. Read through your transcript, find the snippets you want to use, highlight the text, and in a couple of clicks you will have a new video clip. One twenty minute video could become 4 or 5 quick clips to share with your audience. You can even mix up the look of your content by using Descript’s Audiograms feature. Audiograms in Descript are audio clips in video form. They include captioning of the audio portion of a snippet and can also include a waveform of the audio.

Drip out your video snippets or audiograms over time and give yourself the flexibility to work on your longer form content at your own pace.

An audiogram post created in Descript.

The editing tool we deserve

Small businesses often work on tight time, money and energy budgets. Descript is a tool that helps level the playing field between your small business and a big corporation with deep pockets and resources. There’s even more power and functionality in Descript than what has been mentioned here.

If you have been considering creating video content, but have been slow to move because you weren’t sure you could create engaging and well produced video, Descript could be the hero you have been waiting for.

digitalmarketing smallbusiness contentcreation